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02 Jun '12

Fly of The Day - 6/2/12

Posted by Mike Alberghini in anglers, day, delaware, den, fly, horny, Iso, nymph, of, the, Upper

 Fly of The Day - 6/2/12

For all of you Upper Delaware nymphomaniacs out there, the Iso-Horny is your wet dream. I designed this fly in size 10 for fishing the fast riffles packed with rainbows. The mylar is flashy enough to get their attention in fast moving water, and the white stripe on the top along with the soft hackle on the wing case provides an impressionistic and realistic nymph that fools fish left and right. Also, Isonychias are very fast swimmers that swim in bursts. These nymphs usually swim to the bank to emerge on the bank, but they can hatch in a normal fashion by rising to the surface in the middle of the river if the water is high. At the end of your drift, don't be afraid to give the flies a strip or two towards the bank, and if the water is high, you can hold your line tight and let the fly swing to the surface.

01 Jun '12

Fly of The Day - 6/1/12

Posted by Mike Alberghini in anglers, angry, day, den, Fly, midget, of, the

  Fly of The Day

This is a fly for all you Croton Watershed anglers that can't get those finicky risers to take your fly. I tie this fly usually in size 24, but anywhere from 18-26 will work. The swiss straw wings sit low in the water and fish really seem to love it.

01 Mar '12

Rising Trout in February!

February was an interesting month to say the least.  The tri-state area has seen unseasonably warm temperatures as of late.  From about February 20th on the Anglers Den team witnessed rising trout on some of the areas local rivers. 

First we saw browns and bows sipping midges down in Brewster on the Croton watershed.  This early year gift was the result of consecutive days of warm weather and controlled flows let out of the areas local reservoirs.  The Den and fly fishermen alike seized the opportunity to shake off some rust and toss some dry flies considerably early in the year.

Later in the month some Anglers Den team members went around strategically collecting bug samples from other local rivers.  On a short drive to Amenia, located in Dutchess County NY, similar scenarios from our Brewster trip occurred.  We were examining the Ten Mile River one late afternoon to collect early season river data for shop purposes.  Upon arrival to some secluded spots, it was evident that the stone fly hatch was well underway.  Adult stone flies were sputtering around at a pretty decent rate, and more importantly the fish were taking them when available.  We noticed that downed trees provided the perfect barrier from the current as trout would hold up just down stream from the fallen timber, eating ever so often.  
East Branch of the Croton River Watershed: Open
West Branch of the Croton River: April 1st
Ten Mile River: Trout open April 1st

Current Hatches:

    Croton Watershed:
    #20 - #22 Midge 

Ten Mile River:
Small Stoneflys

Ten Mile Stoneflys

And as always don't forget:

Every Thursday the shop gets together at 7 p.m. for our weekly fly tying night

Only 5 Thursdays of tying left before the season starts April 1st



13 Feb '12

Fly Fishing the East Branch of the Croton - February 12th 2012

We stepped out of the car a little after 1p.m. to a brisk 30 degree day, sun shining and hopes high.  The water was clear and on the warmer side for this time of year,  with the flow running at 115 CFS. 

We started at Phoebe's pool south of the Sodom Road Bridge and worked our way back up river throughout the afternoon.  We were nymphing, working an upstream drift with no indicator just keeping the slightest tension on the line.  Also we tried effective methods of shoot mending a flash-black bugger along the deeper runs on the far bank.

The hares ear nymph produced a few quick "takes" as well as the flashy black bugger. 

As we worked are way back to the Sodom Bridge we noticed feeding trout below the bridge, the only problem was getting a solid presentation on them as there was not much current.

All and all it was a great day of fishing had by all.  We spent a few hours on the river, however time seemed to drift by rather quickly.  It was soon time to go and we made our way back to the shop to thaw out. 



11 Feb '12

Free Fly Tying Nights

 The Anglers Den, Home of English Angling Trappings will be hosting weekly fly tying nights. Held every Thursday evening from 7pm-10pm until April 1st. These Events are Open to the General public.

Coffee will be served and as always feel free to bring your own delights.

If you have a vise and a few basic tools bring them along. If not we will be able to provide them. Hope to see you there. 

We will be tying all types of patterns for fly Fishing. Dry Fly's, floating nymphs, Czech Nymphs, Caddis Pupa, Traditional Catskill patterns, Steelhead and Salmon patterns. Streamers, terrestrials, flies for the salt. Do you have a specific goal to reach? We will help you get there!

                                                             Upcoming Dates:

                                                            See Photos below from 02/09/12








