Rising Trout in February!
Current Hatches:

We stepped out of the car a little after 1p.m. to a brisk 30 degree day, sun shining and hopes high. The water was clear and on the warmer side for this time of year, with the flow running at 115 CFS.
We started at Phoebe's pool south of the Sodom Road Bridge and worked our way back up river throughout the afternoon. We were nymphing, working an upstream drift with no indicator just keeping the slightest tension on the line. Also we tried effective methods of shoot mending a flash-black bugger along the deeper runs on the far bank.
The hares ear nymph produced a few quick "takes" as well as the flashy black bugger.
As we worked are way back to the Sodom Bridge we noticed feeding trout below the bridge, the only problem was getting a solid presentation on them as there was not much current.
All and all it was a great day of fishing had by all. We spent a few hours on the river, however time seemed to drift by rather quickly. It was soon time to go and we made our way back to the shop to thaw out.